Say Hello To The ’90s
The ’90s had quite an eclectic view of fashion. You could see all kinds of things being worn in that time period that today is considered tacky and absolutely uncool. But this is not to say that all of the ‘90s fashion should be discounted, there were some highlights that still inspire the fashionistas of today as well as the fore-runners in the fashion world.
If you want an example of good ‘90’s fashion all you have to do is take a look at the clothes worn in the hit TV show ‘Friends’ or the ones worn in ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ by Ashley, Vivian, and Hillary Banks. Their style was certainly one of the things they were remembered for! If you look back through the times you’ll find that there are still some clothes from that era hanging about and some that although went out of fashion, have come marching back.
‘90’s Fashion That Is Probably Here To Stay

Slip Dress: The slip dress is one of the highlights of the ‘90s. Today, it has been made a little more comfortable and cozy by pairing it with a leather jacket and some sneakers. This makes the dress a viable option for daytime work. You could even change it up by wearing the dress over a hot T-shirt or just go old school and wear it with some hot heels.

Overalls: The overalls were certainly a thing of beauty and have never truly gone out of fashion. They have just evolved to fit in with the new modern era. You could wear them any way you want. It could be the most formal clothes you own or the most casual thing you could possibly wear. It’s completely up to you.

1. High Waisted Jeans: This particular article of clothing went out of style years ago but recently its been coming back and the fad is stronger than ever. The high-waisted jeans paired with a gorgeous crop top or a tucked-in shirt and some killer heels will definitely make you look like you belong on the runway.

Tuxedo Jacket Dress: You’ll find that the Jacket dress although a thing of beauty in the ‘90s was rarely seen after the end of that era. Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cambridge proved that there are some fashions that are timeless. The Tuxedo Jacket dress is one such look. It’s the perfect thing to wear when you need to attend a formal dinner or any other professional event. -------------

Bomber Jackets: Last but not least is the bomber jacket. These ‘90s jacket styles had their ups and downs but in the end, they certainly came out on top. You’ll find that every other person in the crowd would be wearing a bomber jacket in a different color. Especially in places with cooler weather. They’re hot and sexy, what’s not to love!
There are so many more ‘90s era fashion that is still working the crowd today and some that have just made re-entry into the market. Go out and let your inner ‘90s gal shine.
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